Jennifer Dolan (ex-Martin) checked into a Facebook group about the making of the film on July 22, 2023. Here are her comments.
I ask: Ex-Jennifer Martin? She replies: "yep ! Lol. I was 12 at the time but still remember being spooked by the frog lol !!"
Fintan asks: do you still have the script? Jennifer: "yes I do somewhere. signed by Edward Woodward lol ! the cake doll scene was hilarious as Edward Woodward kept fluffing his lines lol 😂"
Fintan asks to buy the script: Jennifer: "sorry guys would never part with it it means the world to me ! I was 12 at the time ao photos weren't high ony priority I'll ask my dad if he has any as he was with me he is Eric from Still Game x"
Ian Thomas:"I've just secured an interview with her 😉"
Jennifer: "the colour was blue it had a wee window on the front cover with the name The Wicker Man I never read it though lol 😂"
Fintan: Ingrid's had a red cover
Jennifer: "This is the exact same but just with the wicker man in the window"
Fintan: Lee's was black
I had asked about what else she might have. Jennifer: "I will get hubby into the loft and when I find it I'll let you know"
Jennifer in response to Fintan talking about the gobstopper: "the gobstopper was great but wee fekin frog kept attacking my bottom lip I called him frankenstien the frog lol 6 takes it took lol 😂"
Jennifer in response to? : "Yes but then they decided to focus on the Hare as it was more dramatic !"
Jennifer in response to Fin Fer's question, Had she been asked to participate in any of the 50th anniversary stuff? "probably not a big enough part in the film to be asked lol can remember meeting Britt in the dressing room bus coaches though xxxx she wasn't over friendly lol ."
Jennifer in response to Fin Fer question: How was EW with you? "absolutely brilliant we had a photo taken in the Kirkcudbright post and he signed my script saying I would be great actress sometime lol 😂 he got that wrong lol xxx Christopher Lee was a hoot though !! X"
Jennifer in response to Lesley Mackie’s question about how old she was at the time: “Lesley Mackie Hi, I was 12 at the time a 62 year auld fart noo lol 😂”
in response to my asking her if she remembered John Brown taking lots of pics: "I remember lots of photos being taken though some were for continuity I think 🤔"
Paul Docker: A question…just what do frogs taste like? 🤣. Jennifer: "rubber"
I figure out info about what scenes are marked. (Should have figured out only the ones she was in…) She responds: "wow that's true dedication I really admire this I truly never imagined this wee B movie from Scotland would be so loved and now feel extremely humbled to be a part of it ! The dates are a bit fuzzy to me and my dad is now 94 so they are fuzzy ad well bug I'm sure you are spot on"
I asked what hotel she stayed in: "I was as the Cally Palace, Gatehouse of Fleet, beautiful hotel"
In September of 2023 she mentioned: Her father stole a script! Her handing Howie the paintbrush so that he gets paint on his hand was intentional. Talked about not wanting to do more film work after that. She wore the wrong socks the next day - wore kneesocks, was wearing ankle socks. The continuity girl noticed that and her father got mad.
She saw the film in 1974 in Glasgow and was brought on-stage there to talk about it! Here's a newspaper clipping about that.

She responded to a post on Facebook about the early showings of the film that had the double bill with Don't Look Now.
"that was the bill at the salon cinema in glasgow when I was paraded on stage. when the film was released in glasgow must have been 74 ... my mum asked if I could get in to see the bits I was in then take me out for the other bits lol iremember being asked up on stage and interviewed it also appeared in the local West end news I still have the newspaper clipping lol x"
I mentioned that it must have been tricky since she showed up 3x throughout the film. "yes there was a lot of hanging about in the foyer lol I even had Eddie my wee boyfriend with me lol"
She adds: "just to be clear I didn't meet britt or Christopher I only heard all the adults talk about them and for Christopher it was all good and they said he was a hoot and none of the adults had a nice word to say about britt . This was mostly over heard while I was getting my hair done each time or overhearing I between takes."