The Wicker Man (1973) Wikia

(Based on and used with permission from the site which was written circa mid-2000s.)

Logan Botanic Gardens

They shot here on Oct 15, 1972.

See also Andy Taylor's location footage from 2000.

These gardens are located near the town of Port Logan and can be reached 14 miles south of Stranraer. Like other Wicker man locations, the gardens lie on the Gulf Stream which enables tropical plant life to prosper here.

The gardens served as Lord Summerisle's experimental orchard for filming of The Wicker Man. Much of the footage filmed here, Lord Summerisle's extensive talk on apples, did not make it to any existing cut of the film. Ultimately, the gardens feature in a few brief shots in the film.

Also, scene 73, the We Carry Death scene, was planned to be shot at Logan, at a dyke/ditch there. There was a drought so plans changed and all we got was what we see in the movie that was shot in front of the Whithorn library, with the two groups of children being edited down to only one. The ditch is probably the stream that you can see on the map of Logan between the Tasmanian Collections and the Gunnera Bog. For more information about this scene, see this page.

Creek at logan by julie

Of the footage that remained in the movie, Lord Summerisle and Sergeant Howie terminate their conversation at the Veranda of the walled garden.

Scene by scene: (The #s I refer to below are found on this map.) See also this Google aerial map.

There are two shots looking up at the plane as it flies over the village look like they were shot at Logan. This is as Seamus Flannery is credited.

The next scenes are when Howie and Lord Summerisle walk in the garden. The first shot has Howie walking by himself down a slight incline. A brick wall is in the background. It is probably #6 on their map, the Chusan Palm Avenues.

Then there is a shot of Howie and Lord Summerisle walking in a palm tree allee in the background and a man bent over, working on a plant in the foreground. That appears to be to be just below the pond (#9). That is the only tree-lined path that has lawn to the left of it. (See this pic.) The man working on the plant is Martin Coledge, who was the head gardener/curator at the time. He still visits the garden from time to time. (Colin Belton · Garden Supervisor at Logan Botanic Garden, 5/13/18)

The next shot we see is from the Verandah of Howie and LS approaching it. That’s #5. (See this pic.)

Wicker Man Locations - Port Logan-1
Wicker Man Locations - Port Logan

These other shots got cut from the movie:

Howie and LS in front of a wall with distinctive stone edging. The wall top isn’t even and has an edge too. That is by #3 (Castle Balzieland)


This shot of Howie and LS in front of another distinctive layered wall. Somewhere in front of #20, the "terrace garden".

Ew and cl in garden

These last two are against a wall but too hard to pinpoint where. Probably along #20 too.


It is possible that the scene where Lord Summerisle presents Ash to Willow was filmed here. There are large Gunnera plants and pics of LS in his kilt by some that might have been shot there (like this one.) The snail footage was shot there.

A behind the scenes pic.

The garden's web site.
