The Wicker Man (1973) Wikia

General info[]

Cinefantastique: "The only song in Shaffer's screenplay that was retained was "The Ram of Derby" which Cilento and Lee actually sing. (Wrong - They sing The Tinker of Rye instead.) "The song was much longer and was to be three verses, with the whole scene to be built around it, but it was towards the end of shooting, and when it came to do it, we thought it was too long. And whole chunks were thrown out at beginning and end. It doesn't make too much sense in the film -- it's too elaborate and unsubtle a gag, all sexual imagery. And to make it work would have required more time. If I had known it would work out that way, I would have written something smaller." (Giovanni, Cinefantastique.)

Creetown Scotland site calls it THE MAIDEN AND THE TINKER.

See Christopher Lee sing it in the Critic's Choice interview!

Recorded live on set according to Gary Carpenter. (The studio recording, a separate performance, has additional verses...) "The vocals for Tinker are the same for both cd and film and were recorded on set with the piano fed to the actors via earpieces. The piano part was re-recorded for the cd. We didn't have the original piano recording to work with. In those pre-computer days it was a bit of a faff!" - Gary, Facebook Wicker Man group, Jan 6, 2016. Written/adapted by Paul on location as well. Gary also adds in a Freak Zone podcast: The piano accompaniment was lost. They did have the vocal tracks. Went to De Lane Lea and using a click track, re-created it. The CD version is close to what was in the film.

"The tune and these exact words may be original, but the idea of the song—that is, a series of double-entendres based on the work of a tinker —is much older." Mudcat.

It had been intended that Lord Summerisle would be playing the organ in this scene. Unfortunately, mice had eaten through the organ works so it was unplayable. In the Director's Cut only, the scene starts with a slow zoom out from the sheet music on the organ. For more on that, see this.


There was a tinker lived of late, who walked the streets of Rye.

He bore his pack upon his back, patches and plugs did cry.

Oh I have brass within my bag, my hammer's full of metal.

And as to skill I will come out and mend a broken kettle.

A maiden did this tinker meet, and to him boldly say,

Oh, sure my kettle hath much need, if you will pass my way.

She took the tinker by the hand and led him to her door.

Says she, my kettle I will show, and you can clout it sure.

Chorus For patching and plugging is his delight

(interrupted by Howie as he throws the hare next to Miss Rose)

Continuation as Howie leaves. Summmerisle sings this verse.

Fair maid says he, your kettle's cracked, the cause is plainly told:

There has so many nails been drove, Mine own could not take hold.  

(The Silva Screen version has this additional verse and chorus sung by Miss Rose.)

Says she it hath endured some knocks. And more it may I know.

I’m sure a large large nail will hold If it was struck in so.

For patching and plugging is his delight

His work goes forward, day and night

(Words and music by Paul Giovanni, Copyright © 1973 British Lion Music Ltd.)


Director's Cut[]

1:13, V1, V2, C, pause, V3

Theatrical version and Final Cut[]

:44, V2, C, pause, V3

Silva Screen[]

No pause and an additional verse not heard in the movie.

1:52, V1, V2, C, (no pause) V3, V4, C

Trunk Records[]

:44, V2, C, pause, V3
