The Wicker Man (1973) Wikia

Welcome to the The Wicker Man (1973) Wikia[]

The Wicker Man is a classic cult 1973 British movie filmed (mostly) in Scotland. It combines thriller, existential horror and musical genres. Directed by Robin Hardy and written by Anthony Shaffer, the film stars Edward Woodward, Christopher Lee, Diane Cilento, Ingrid Pitt and Britt Ekland. Paul Giovanni composed the soundtrack.

The Wicker Man is generally very highly regarded by critics. Film magazine Cinefantastique described it as "The Citizen Kane of Horror Movies", and in 2004 the magazine Total Film named The Wicker Man the sixth greatest British film of all time. It also was the Grand Prix winner at the 1974 third Paris International Science-Fiction and Fantasy Film Festival and won the 1978 Saturn Award for Best Horror Film amongst other awards.

This wiki[]

Additional info, pics,documents and home movies are always welcome and NEEDED! If you add a page, be sure to link to it from one of the pages listed in the categories below (in the table of contents) or create a new one if needed. You don't need to list that new page below; the page these categories link to is better unless your new page is in a new category all by itself. Thanks. Also, please be sure all pics are high-res enough so that any text can be legible. (300 dpi is what you should aim for.)

To see all the photos that have been uploaded, or to add pics, click here. To add a pic, click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner and then "add file". Please add info about that pic there. (You'll need to sign up to add content to this wiki. It's free.)

Many pictures have more info about them. Click on More Info above the pic in the Gallery view to read it.

Table of Contents[]

We currently have 166 pages. Click on the page count link to see all of the pages on this wiki. It will open to a page that has them alphabetically arranged.

Wikia's "categories" (similar to tags) for this wiki can be found here: Music (all of the pages that relate to music). More categories to come possibly, like behind the scenes, missing scenes, etc.

The contents include:

Audio recordings[]

Canal+ (via SIlva Screen)

Music on Vinyl

Silva Screen

Trunk Records

Behind the scenes[]

Movies, still pictures

Books/Academic papers[]

Cast and Crew[]

Documentaries and featurettes from DVDs and elsewhere[]


Fan material[]

Nuada - The Wicker Man Journal

Dave Lally's map of Summerisle

Trading Cards

Wicker Man Appreciation Society

January 1999 reunion at the Ellangowan Hotel, filmed for the BBC Scotland documentary The EX:S Files.


Collections of *some* of the pictures. Currently: "Behind the scenes pics", locations as they appear recently and "missing scene pics". More to come. To see ALL of the pics on this site, click here. Click on "More Info" to read any additional info there may be about that picture.


Locations in the film[]

Locations (real), arranged by location[]

See also the screencaps page which also list locations for each shot in the Director's Cut.

See also locations arranged by scene for each version.

See also Google Map with Street Views of as many locations as possible.


Memories of filming by locals

Memories of Extras and some of the crew.

Missing scenes and dialogue[]

Details about each scene in scripts that are not in any versions ( See also the missing scenes "shot or not" table.)

The scenes that have pictures of them (that can be shared. More exist but cannot be shared yet.):

Dream sequence

At Holly Grimmond's

Howie asking where the public records office is/We Carry Death

Howie at the hairdresser's during the house search

Inside the Green Man

In the greenhouse and the experimental orchard

Librarian bath scenes

Mainland - bridge, pub, prostitute

Howie confronting May and Myrtle about Holly's clothes

Movie elements[]

Intros, outros, graphics, font, etc.


General info (including links to individual songs and other music, reviews, covers, music inspired by, podcasts,and songbook, etc)

Info about the extended version aka the Director's Cut.

Info about the Final Cut

Info about the Theatrical version

Musicals/Stage shows[]

Musicals and stage show versions of the movie that others have put on.

Photographs seen in the movie[]

The pictures Howie looks at in the darkroom.

The pictures Lord Summerisle shows Howie.

The Harvest Festival photographs.


Press and Publicity[]

Current distributors, pressbooks/campaign books, contact sheets, press photo info, negative numbers for press and on-site photos, John Brown's page (the official still photographer for the movie.), Lobby cards, newspaper articles (mostly Galloway Gazette), marketing materials (pressbooks, posters, trailers, radio spots), newspaper listings (mostly from

Production info[]

Notes and Production/release timeline . See also Production documents below. See also Newspaper Listings, a list of theaters/cinemas, tv guides and some other sources showing when and where the film played in the UK, US and Australia. Brut Productions involvement with distribution. Some background on the British ratings over the years.

Production documents[]

Accomodation lists

Call sheets

Cross plot document

Jake Wright's set index

Seamus Flannery's set/scene index. (pic)

Movement orders

Editor's script

Lorraine Peters (bum double) contracts, October 13 and November 3, 1972.

Wicker Man drawings from Seamus Flannery. Other drawings from Seamus.

Unit list (a list of the crew)


Religious doctrine[]

Religious texts/doctrines in the movie and book.

Scenes in detail[]

We Carry Death


A site that uses the Director's Cut.

Two sites that use the Final Cut. 1, 2.

Screencap of X rating from British Board of Censors.


Full scripts including Ingrid Pitt's original script, Production materials


1) Loathsome Lambton Worm - Shaffer's script that Hardy and other's didn't like which was never produced as a film. (See also Brown's book for the script.) aka The Wicker Man II (See this pic for one of the cover pages. Here is page 48 of one version called The Loathsome Lambton Worm.) An audio-only version was produced in 2020 which you can hear here and here.

2) The Wicker Tree (produced) First conceived as The Riding of the Laddie and then Cowboys for Christ.

3) The Wrath of the Gods (not produced but had been in production, Hardy died before if could be finished.)

The New Orleans Connection[]

How four people in New Orleans gave us the Director's Cut and what is now called The Final Cut.

The Wicker Man itself[]


Planning, filming and everything after (aka Production/release timeline)

Tropes in the Wicker Man[]



VHS (and other) tapes[]

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